Toll pricing

The Lane Cove Tunnel is electronically tolled.

Toll prices for the Lane Cove Tunnel are based on:

  • the number of toll points you pass along the motorway
  • your vehicle class
Toll PointClass AClass B
Lane Cove Tunnel (eastbound)$4.09$13.98
Lane Cove Tunnel (westbound)$4.09$13.98


All prices shown include GST and do not include any additional fees. Toll prices are valid from 1 January 2025 and are adjusted quarterly. Read the full media release

Find out more about Tag account fees, Tagless account fees and Sydney Pass fees.

From 1 April 2025 tolls will be adjusted. Read the full media release

Vehicle classes

  • Class A
    • Vehicles 2.8 metres or less in height and 12.5 metres or less in length.
    • Typically, these vehicles are cars and motorcycles.
    • Also referred to as Class 2 or CAR.
  • Class B
    • All other vehicles.
    • Typically, these vehicles are trucks, heavy vehicles, and can include larger items being towed depending on the overall dimensions.
    • Also referred to as Class 4 or HCV.

Vehicle length and height – Vehicle dimensions on NSW toll roads include (without limitation) any towed vehicles such as a trailer, caravan or boat, and items placed on the roof of the vehicle or vehicles with elevated roofs.

No tag?

If you take the Lane Cove Tunnel and exit via the Military Road E-Ramp within 30 minutes, you only pay one vehicle matching fee. In this case, toll prices for both will appear on your statement as one combined total.