Toll pricing

The Cross City Tunnel is electronically tolled.

Toll prices for the Cross City Tunnel are based on:

  • the number of toll points you pass along the motorway and
  • your vehicle class.
Toll PointClass AClass B
Main Tunnel$7.04$14.08
Sir John Young Crescent Exit$3.32$6.64


All prices shown include GST and do not include any additional fees. Toll prices are valid from 1 January 2025 and are adjusted quarterly. Read the full media release

Find out more about Tag account fees, Tagless account fees and Sydney Pass fees.

From 1 April 2025 tolls will be adjusted. Read the full media release

Vehicle classes

  • Class A
    • Vehicles 2.8 metres or less in height and 12.5 metres or less in length.
    • Typically, these vehicles are cars and motorcycles.
    • Also referred to as Class 2 or CAR.
  • Class B
    • All other vehicles.
    • Typically, these vehicles are trucks, heavy vehicles, and can include larger items being towed depending on the overall dimensions.
    • Also referred to as Class 4 or HCV.

Vehicle length and height – Vehicle dimensions on NSW toll roads include (without limitation) any towed vehicles such as a trailer, caravan or boat, and items placed on the roof of the vehicle or vehicles with elevated roofs.