Scams are becoming more common, and we can all play a part to protect ourselves and others.
Got a suspicious message claiming to be from Linkt?
Report it online to help us track down and prevent future scams.
Stay safe from scams. Follow our online safety tips, look out for signs and safeguard personal information. Protect yourself by staying informed about scams.
Check out whether it really is from us
Our online safety tips are here to help safeguard you from scams.
Understand the ways we'll contact you
If you have received a suspicious communication claiming to be Linkt, check your Linkt account.
If it seems suspicious, before you delete, report it to help us prevent future scams.
Once you’ve taken a screenshot, delete the message.
You can also report a scam message to the Federal Government’s ScamWatch website at, where you’ll find information about other scams reported across Australia.
Interpreter service
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24 hours, 7 days a week
TTY Service
If you're deaf, have a hearing or speech impediment, please use the National Relay Service.