Allocate or deallocate vehicle tags on a Commercial Account
If you have a Commercial Account, you may have allocated tags to specific vehicles in your fleet. You can allocate or deallocate vehicle tags from your online account at any time.
- Log in to your account
- Select ‘Tags and holders’ from the menu
- Under the ‘Tags list’ tab, you can see any unallocated tags (with a tag serial number and tag class)
- Find the tag you’d like to allocate to a vehicle and select ‘Allocate’
- Allocate the tag to a vehicle by searching for its licence plate number
- Confirm the vehicle
- Select ‘Allocate tag’
Deallocate tags from your vehicle
- Log in to your account
- Select ‘Tags and holders’ from the menu (as above)
- Under the ‘Tags list’ tab, view your current tags with their allocated vehicles
- Find the tag you’d like to deallocate from a vehicle and select ‘Deallocate’
- Select ‘Deallocate tag’