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Report a scam

If you have received a communication from someone claiming to be Linkt and it appears to be suspicious, do not click on any links. Instead, report it immediately using this form before deleting it.

In addition to reporting a scam message to us you can also report it to the Federal Government’s ScamWatch website at scamwatch.gov.au, where you’ll also see other scams reported across Australia.

If you have supplied your financial information, including credit card details, get in touch with your financial institution straight away. You can also read our tips to protect yourself online.

Please provide the mobile phone number of the SMS SENDER. Do not list your number, as this information is what we send to telecommunications providers to have blocked.

    Please take a screenshot of the message and attach it here. You can also save emails as a text file and submit those. Please try to include the phone number or sender of the message and any email header information.