SMS SCAM ALERT: received a toll road SMS? Stay safe and never click unknown links. Learn how to spot a scam.


Unclaimed Money Act 1995 (NSW)

If you have a tolling account or arrangement with Linkt that’s been inactive for at least 6 years and which has a balance of $100 or more in credit, these funds may be considered unclaimed monies for the purposes of the Unclaimed Money Act 1995 (NSW) (Unclaimed Money Act).

Under the Unclaimed Money Act, Linkt is required to pay any unclaimed money it holds to the Chief Commissioner of the State Revenue Office of NSW (Commissioner) on an annual basis.

If you think you have unclaimed money from an inactive account or tolling arrangement, these funds may have been paid by Linkt to the Commissioner in accordance with the requirements of the Unclaimed Money Act. For more information please contact us, or you can submit a claim to the State Revenue Office of NSW for the return of these funds via their website.