Fees and charges (Sydney)

Below are the fees and charges that may apply to Linkt payment options. Please note that these fees exclude any toll costs. Use our toll calculator to calculate travel costs.

These fees and charges are adjusted on 1 July each year.

FeesCurrent feesWhen and how it applies
Vehicle Matching Fee*$0.55–$0.75

Applies each time a vehicle travels through a toll point on the Linkt network, without a tag or when a tag is not detected at the time of passage. 

$0.75 per trip on Westlink M7
$0.55 per trip on all other Sydney toll roads

If you're travelling interstate, these fees may be different.

Requested Statement Fee**
$2.75For each paper statement you request to receive in the mail.
Additional Statement Fee**
$3.30For each additional paper statement you request to receive in the mail.
Tag Non-return Fee$15For each tag that is not returned on the closure of a Linkt account, or for when your tag has been lost or stolen.

Payment Card Surcharge

(This charge is imposed by your credit provider to process your payment)

Visa credit: 0.88%

Visa debit: 0.38%

MasterCard credit: 0.89%

MasterCard debit: 0.37%

AMEX: 2.15%

Last reviewed on 14 March 2025.
Overdue Interest Charge
$5.50 + 1.5% of the overdue amountCalculated and charged on the overdue balance 31 days post the due date on Commercial accounts.
Monthly Account Fee$5For Commercial accounts.
Security Deposit$50Paid per tag on a Commercial account if we require additional security to open your account.
Dishonour Fee$1.00This is the amount you'll be charged if your auto payment declines.
Service Fee$0.95For trips using LinktGO, you’ll pay the cost of the toll, plus a $0.95 service fee. This fee includes payment processing, vehicle matching and administrative costs.
Start-up Fee$1.50 online
$3.30 by phone
Paid when opening a Tagless account or Sydney Pass.
Toll Notice Fee$10.00For a toll invoice that is issued.
Follow-up Toll Notice Fee$20.00For a follow-up toll notice that is issued.
Toll Notice Transfer Fee

On Westlink M7:

$1.90 per toll notice (white letter)

$2.90 per follow-up notice (pink letter)

On all other Sydney toll roads:

$1.10 per toll notice 

$2.20 per follow-up notice

This is the fee you’ll be charged to transfer a toll notice to your account. These amounts are lower than the toll administration fees on the toll notice, which we’ll waive when you transfer your notice.

These fees may be different for interstate toll notices.

Tolls, fees and charges inclusive of GST.

*In special circumstances the fee may not apply to vehicles which are not suitable for tag use such as car carriers, motorbikes, cranes and vehicles fitted with metallic windshields where this vehicle is part of a full account. Please contact Linkt if you require further assistance.

**Only where a name and address has been supplied are you eligible to opt in for printed Linkt statements. This option is available for Linkt accounts and selected Linkt passes.

User administration charge: The user administration charge consists of one or more of these fees—video matching fee, retailer service fee and Toll Invoice fee, depending on which tolling product is utilised by the road user.

View product-specific fees by visiting the pages below:

Tag account fees

Tagless account fees

Sydney Pass fees

Commercial account fees