If you travelled in the last 5 days you can save on additional fees by opening an account or buying a pass and backdating* the start date to include your trip. Buy a pass if you’re an occasional traveller, or open an account if you’re a regular traveller. If you prefer to pay trip by trip, the LinktGO app can also be used to cover recent trips.
Open an account Buy a pass Pay with LinktGO
*If you’ve travelled on NSW toll roads, LinktGO app and the Sydney Pass can cover trips made up to 5 days ago, except for the Harbour Bridge or Harbour Tunnel. If you’ve travelled on those toll roads, you can either purchase a Sydney Pass or use the LinktGO app within 3 days of travel to cover your trip. Just keep in mind that if you don't do this within 3 days, you'll likely receive a toll notice from Transport for NSW for payment. Tag, tagless or commercial accounts cover trips made up to 10 days ago on all toll roads in NSW or Victoria and 9 days ago on all roads in Queensland, excluding Harbour Bridge, Harbour Tunnel, and Eastlink.