Travelled recently?

If you haven’t received a toll notice yet, follow the prompts to see your payment options.

  • I travelled on Sydney toll roads Change
    And I plan on travelling
  • In the last 5 days Start over

    If you travelled in the last 5 days you can save on additional fees by opening an account or buying a pass and backdating* the start date to include your trip. Buy a pass if you’re an occasional traveller, or open an account if you’re a regular traveller. If you prefer to pay trip by trip, the LinktGO app can also be used to cover recent trips.

    Open an account  Buy a pass Pay with LinktGO

    *If you’ve travelled on NSW toll roads, LinktGO app and the Sydney Pass can cover trips made up to 5 days ago, except for the Harbour Bridge or Harbour Tunnel. If you’ve travelled on those toll roads, you can either purchase a Sydney Pass or use the LinktGO app within 3 days of travel to cover your trip. Just keep in mind that if you don't do this within 3 days, you'll likely receive a toll notice from Transport for NSW for payment. Tag, tagless or commercial accounts cover trips made up to 10 days ago on all toll roads in NSW or Victoria and 9 days ago on all roads in Queensland, excluding Harbour Bridge, Harbour Tunnel, and Eastlink.

  • In the last 6 – 10 days Start over

    If you travelled in the last 6 – 10 days you can save on additional fees by opening an account and backdating* its start date to cover your travel. You can wait for a toll notice to arrive in the mail, but it may take up to 4 weeks from your travel date to be issued.

    If you already have an account, you can pay for travel made in the last 10 days by adding the licence plate number of the vehicle to your account. Just backdate its start date.

    Open an account

    *Tag, tagless or commercial accounts cover trips made up to 10 days ago on all toll roads in NSW or Victoria and 9 days ago on all roads in Queensland, excluding Harbour Bridge, Harbour Tunnel, and Eastlink. If you’ve travelled on those toll roads more than 3 days ago, you'll likely receive a toll notice from Transport for NSW for payment.

  • More than 10 days Start over

    If you travelled on a Sydney toll road more than 10 days ago and don’t have an account or pass, you should receive a toll notice in the mail. It can take up to 4 weeks after you travel for a toll notice to be sent.

    Toll notices are issued to the registered owner of the vehicle and will include the cost of your tolls plus additional fees.

    Search for a toll notice

Paying a Sydney Toll Notice? 
Pay your Sydney toll notice with LinktGO^ – there’s no need to sign in or sign up. But if you do decide to register, LinktGO will cover toll travel on all roads in Australia and help you avoid future toll notices and fees.

Download the LinktGo app on the App StoreDownload the LinktGo app on Google Play

^Toll invoice payment is not available for Sydney Harbour Bridge & Tunnel in NSW and EastLink in VIC. Please follow instructions on your letter.