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Melbourne, VIC
Brisbane, QLD
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Travelling on toll roads
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How can we help?
Linkt Rewards
Linkt Rewards is an exclusive program offering a range of discounts and rewards.
Learn more
Add, remove or update vehicles
Add, remove or update vehicles linked to your account online or on the Linkt app. You can also add temporary vehicles and rental cars. Learn more.
Remove vehicles from a Commercial Account
Remove single or multiple vehicles from a Commercial Account online. You can remove a vehicle manually or make bulk vehicle updates in few simple steps.
Update your linked licence plate number
You can update your licence plate number online or on the Linkt app. Make sure to enter it correctly, so you only pay for your trips. Learn more.
Add vehicles on a Commercial Account
Add single or multiple vehicles to a Commercial Account online. You can add/remove a vehicle manually or do a bulk vehicle upload in a few steps. Learn more.
Offset your carbon emissions with LinktGO
On 1 July 2023, tolls for travel on Sydney toll roads will be adjusted. We update these four times a year in line with our agreement with the state governments.
Commercial Account payment options
Commercial Accounts are billed monthly and can be paid manually or with auto pay. Learn more about Commercial Account payment options.
Compare Commercial Accounts with other accounts
Compare our Prepaid and Postpaid Accounts with our Commercial Account. Learn about the different features, fees and more.
Apply for a Commercial Account
To apply for a Commercial Account, you'll need to submit an application. Learn about what to expect and what happens after you apply.
Browse help articles
Payments and toll notices
Travelling on toll roads
Accounts and billing
Cashback and rebates
Scams and fraud
Support services
How to install a tagĀ
Follow our 3 easy steps to installing your Linkt tag.
How to remove a tag holder
Follow these simple steps to successfully remove a tag holder from your vehicle's windscreen.
What do the Beeps mean
Tags make different sounds depending on the status of your Linkt account. Your tag may change its sound to warn you of a problem with your account.