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Claim the M5 South-West Cashback
With the M5 South-West Cashback scheme, eligible NSW residents can receive a quarterly rebate for trips on the M5 South-West Motorway.
About M5 South-West Cashback | Linkt
The M5 South-West Cashback Scheme allows New South Wales (NSW) residents, with NSW privately registered vehicles, to claim back tolls for eligible car trips on the M5 South-West Motorway.
Toll Relief - Rebate
Toll Relief is the NSW's Government's scheme designed to reduce the cost of living for frequent toll road users. Eligible motorists who spend more than $375 a year on tolls and have a personal toll account can claim a 40% rebate.
M5 South-West Cashback Scheme
Are you eligible for the M5 South-West Cashback Scheme? Find out how you can claim back your tolls for trips on the M5 South-West Motorway using your account.
Claim the LTRVTR
The Large Towed Recreational Vehicle Toll Rebate (LTRVTR) is for eligible NSW residents who have towed a trailer, caravan or float on a Sydney toll road. Login to your Linkt account to claim.
Overview of Toll Relief and Cashback Schemes
The type of toll rebate that’s best for you will depend on which roads you use most often and your eligibility for each scheme. There are currently five schemes to reduce your toll costs in NSW.
Toll Relief - Weekly Toll Cap
A new weekly toll cap was introduced by the NSW Government. Claims for rebates can be made quarterly through Service NSW.
Open Sydney toll account
Do you need an account for Sydney toll road travel? Compare options for Australian roads and find out which one is right for you.
Sydney Pass for one-off or short-term travel
The perfect way to pay tolls for if you’re visiting Sydney short-term.
Tagless account
A Linkt Tagless account is the easiest way to pay for occasional travel on Sydney toll roads.

How to install a tag 

Follow our 3 easy steps to installing your Linkt tag.

How to remove a tag holder

Follow these simple steps to successfully remove a tag holder from your vehicle's windscreen.

What do the Beeps mean

Tags make different sounds depending on the status of your Linkt account. Your tag may change its sound to warn you of a problem with your account.