Complaints and feedback

If you have feedback or a complaint about Linkt we want to know. In the event that you've had a bad experience, please tell us about it using the form below. That way we can review what went wrong and work towards putting things right straight away. One of our support staff will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

Find out more about the complaints and feedback process

Query or dispute trips and charges

Please get in touch by phone if you want to query or dispute trips and charges.

Select your home state if you have an account with us, or select the state you've travelled in. 

How would you like us to get in touch?

Our privacy policy and credit reporting policy explain how we collect, use and disclose personal information, including that we may disclose your personal information to third parties and our overseas service providers. Our privacy policy explains how to access or correct your personal information and how to make a privacy complaint.